United States Wholesale

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Connecting American Businesses


Last updated: July 18, 2024

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Advertise with United States Wholesale

All vendors have the option to advertise their products listed for sale on United States Wholesale.

On this page, we will explain how it works and how you, as a vendor, can start advertising your products today.

How Does It Work?
You pay an advertising fee to ensure that your products are prominently displayed to buyers browsing the site. The current rate is $10 for a 10-day advertisement slot.

Where Do the Products Get Displayed?

  • Catalog Page: Six products are displayed at the top and twelve are below the search result section.
  • My Account Page: Buyers see twelve products.
  • Single Product Page: Desktop users see ten products, and mobile users see six products.
  • Randomized Display: All advertised products are shown randomly unless the buyer uses the filter function.
  • Marketing Emails: These are occasionally included in our marketing emails to buyers.
  • Social Media Promotion: Occasionally promoted by us on several social media platforms.

How Many Products Can I Advertise?
Currently, we offer a total of 36 advertising slots across all vendors. When these slots are sold out, vendors will have to wait until the current advertisements expire to advertise again.

How Long Will the Products Be Advertised For?
All advertisements are set to run at 10-day intervals. After 10 days, your advertisement will expire, and you will need to purchase another slot if you wish to continue advertising.

How Are Advertising Costs Calculated?
The current introductory rate is $10 for a 10-day period. This rate reflects the premium value of targeted B2B exposure on our niche platform. As our marketplace continues to grow, this rate is expected to increase. Take advantage of this introductory pricing to maximize your reach at a competitive cost.

How to Advertise

  • Go to Your Vendor Dashboard: Navigate to the products list in your vendor dashboard.
  • Click the Megaphone Icon: Find the product you wish to advertise and click the megaphone icon in the right column.
  • Confirm Advertisement: A popup will appear saying “Advertise this product for: 10 days. Advertisement Cost: $10.00”. Click the “OK” button.
  • Complete Payment: You will be redirected to the checkout page where you can complete the payment.

Check the images below for visual guidance.

Ready to Get Started? Advertise with us and connect with the right buyers today. 

Head over to your Vendor Dashboard and get started right away!

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